White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
OJ Johnson 5.10.2012



The New Man


The body of Christ has not grasped what it means to be a new creation in Christ.  We are trying to fix up the old man.  We dress him up, clean him up, renew him, and try to change him  But God says, there is a revelation coming that we are a new creation.  We are now spiritual people, completed in Christ.  There is a 100% wholeness in us already.  It is time for the revelation of who we are in Him to come forth.  Because too much energy is being spent on the old man; how to change the old man, how to clean the old man, how to renew the old man.  But tell the world that the old man has died and the new man has come alive.  Say this unto My people,  the new man is Me living in you.  For I have brought you alive in myself.  You are no longer dead.  You are no longer enslaved.  You are free.  You are free in My Spirit, I have set My people free.  Tell them they are new.   Tell them they are complete.  Tell them they are whole in Me.  Tell them it is the time and season to live in the new man and to crucify the old.  Because in the new man there is no fear.  In the new man there is no worry.  Is the new man there is no doubt.   In the new man there is no unbelief.  In the new man there is complete, whole-hearted trust in Me.  For the new man is Me.  That which I have made new cannot be made old.  Tell My people, which man will you live in, the old man or the new man?  For you have been saying “give me this”, and “give me that”, but tell My people you have all things in me, but you must choose this day which man you will live in.   For the new man has been clothed with Christ.  The old was clothed with sin.  You have to put on the new man.  It has been new, since the day you were born again.  Choose this day.  For I will not change the old man, I crucified him.  I have called My people to live in that which I have done.   I have made you new in Me, says the Lord.


2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!



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