White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
Joe Uduma 3.15.2012



Ephesians 3


Prophetic Word:

The Lord says: Think not like the prophets of old.  Realize you have unlimited access to My kingdom, fruits, and riches. Your old ways of intimacy and walking in My glory will not allow you full access to the kingdom and its full glory.


Explanation of the Word:

Paul positions the church of Ephesians to walk deeper in the authority that they have as a citizen of Christ. He revealed that the purpose of the cross was to allow Jews and Gentiles to have full access to the Father.  Paul had a revelation that the true purpose of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection was to remove the barricade of intimacy with the Father off of the Gentiles and other non-Jewish believers of Christ to grow in an intimate way with God and gain full access to his fruit and riches only through the spirit. Grace enables us to approach the Fathers throne and ask whatever in his name with boldness and full assurance that wisdom, knowledge, and revelation will be given us and the church.


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