White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 3.29.2012



The Handwriting on the Wall


Fear not the news from the Capitol . Fear not the news from the East.   For I have prepared the way for the final trumpet, but nothing will sound until I ordain it.  For I am in control of the events and the times.  I control the words and deeds of men who believe they control the fate of the world.  I raised Pharaoh as the greatest power on the earth, but I also raised Moses to deliver My people.  I raised Nebuchadnezzar to conquer the world, but I raised Daniel to read the handwriting on the wall.  I raised up Caesar to rule the Roman Empire, but I raised My Son from the dead to bring eternal salvation to the world.  So know that when powerful men arise, that I am preparing to raise and exalt My chosen to triumph, that I may glorified.   You are My chosen and I will exalt you at the right time to frustrate and bring down the glory of man, that My name will be exalted throughout the kingdoms of heaven and earth.  When the enemy comes in as a flood, I will raise a standard to bring salvation. So be ready for your moment of visitation for the handwriting is on the wall and I will call My chosen to read it to the kings of this world.


1 Corinthians 2:7-10

No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.  None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.  However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"-- but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.




This prophetic word assures us that God is in control.  But often it is difficult to see how the rising to power of ungodly men, ungodly governments, and ungodly religious kingdoms can accomplish the will of God.  But it was also very difficult to understand how Egypt, Babylon, and the Roman Empire were used to bring about the will of God.  But to clarify this, I am reminded of David and Goliath.  It was hard to see at first how an evil giant like Goliath could be the will of God.  But Goliath actually was the perfect enemy to reveal David as the future king of Israel and also reveal the power of God.  David could not have defeated the entire Philistine army on his own, but because of Goliath, David only had to kill Goliath to defeat the Philistines.  Also, the power and glory of God was revealed because David was only a youth and not even a soldier, and Goliath was killed with only one stone.  Only God could have brought all of these circumstances and people together


So even though it seems like the enemy is running things, God can raise up one of His chosen at any time to strike a crushing blow.   So be ready for your time, because you need to be ready when God sets you up to take the shot.  So be ready.


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