White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 12.20.2012



Freedom from Sin


Freedom is doing the will of the Father.  For in Me is the peace and joy of life.  In Me is the best of all choices.  Man’s choices are made by his desire and his knowledge.  Only in Me do these two align so that you are truly free.  Only in Me can you truly express your soul and your individuality.  For I have created each of you uniquely with holy desires and divine purpose.  In Me you are free to choose, free to work, free to love.  


But the desires of the flesh are not of Me and they do not lead to freedom, but only bondage and decay.  For sin dwells with you and seeks your captivity through fear and doubt, guilt and shame.


This season I am giving the gift of freedom in Me.  Begin to dream and plan with Me.  Begin to include Me is your New Year.  For though the sin of the world reigns in the flesh, the joy of eternity reigns in the Spirit.


Galatians 5:1

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.




This prophetic word is another recent word about the current spiritual season.   This is a season of freedom that comes when your hearts desire and God’s will align to bring you freedom.  This means that as you seek God, your desires will come alive and these are His desires for you.  This is true freedom.  Freedom means to be released from bondage.  It does not really mean that you can do whatever you want.  However, this word indicates that God will supernaturally set us free from our sinful desires and from the bondage of slavery to additions and bad habits that have controlled us for a long time.


The invitation is to begin to dream and plan about the future with God and He will free you to complete it.


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